Payment & condition

Booking & Terms

Payment methods

All the payment can be made by Bank transfer, secure by credit card or cash

Payment terms

All trips require a non-refundable deposit: 10-20 % of total amount. The deposits will confirm your reservation until 30 days prior to trip departure, at which time the balance of the trip is due. If the balance is not paid in full by the due date, we will regard the booking as cancelled.

Cancellation policy
Rights to refunds if you change or cancel your reservation are sometimes limited as we usually need to prepay some suppliers, and our negotiated rates are obtained through committing to advance payment. We strongly recommend you purchase trip insurance including trip cancellation and interruption insurance, which may reimburse you for cancellation penalties and extra trip expenses should a circumstance covered by the policy force you to cancel or interrupt your trip. In the event we cancel a trip, for any reason, all money for services described in the reserved itinerary, less airline ticket cancellation fees, will be refunded.

Any cancellation by a client must be made in writing (email, fax or other). The date on which the cancellation notice is received by the company or its agents will determine the applicable cancellation fee.

Refund checks will normally be mailed within three weeks of cancellation, assuming we experience no difficulty or delay in receiving the corresponding refund(s) from the suppliers involved.

Once travel commences there will be no refunds made on unused portions, nor is the price or value exchangeable for alternative services. Aven Thai prepays hotels and tour operators. If you should not use some portion of your reservation and the hotel or tour operator is willing to give you credit, you must have a signed letter from the manager requesting Aven Asia to issue a refund.

Unless indicated otherwise at or prior to the time of reservation, the following charges per person will apply in the event of cancellation prior to arrival:

Cancellation Charges As a general rule, unless otherwise stated, our policy is that all cancellation must be informed in writing either by email or fax. Cancellations will be charged as follows:

* More than 30 days prior to trip departure. No charge, however the deposit is non-refundable.
* 14-29 days before arrival: 10% charge
* 7-13 days before arrival: 20% charge
* 6- 4 days before arrival: 60% charge
* Within 3 days before arrival: 100% charge

General terms and conditions


Prices quoted in USD on the website are valid as indicated, but may be varied at any time by suppliers. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please check with Asia Sen for confirmation of prices prior to booking. Asia Sen reserves the right to revise the itinerary or substitute comparable accommodations and other tour inclusions. This is necessary because sometimes things change – restaurants close, quality of hotels change. We make every effort to provide the best, and will always monitor tours and locations to make sure you get the best for your value. From our price list on individual services you can see which hotel(s) we use for the particular itinerary in every region of the country. If you need detailed description of hotels, please do not hesitate in contacting us.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with all the visa and health requirements of the country/is you intend to visit. We cannot be held liable for any illness, delays or costs resulting from your failure to meet these requirements. Please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months from the day you arrive at your destination.


Deposits and final payments must be made as indicated to you at the time of requesting a reservation. We reserve the right to cancel the booking without prior notice if the deposit or balance is not paid by the deadlines as specified. In this case, we will apply any relevant cancellation charges as if you had cancelled, before making any refund. Unless indicated otherwise in advance, a reservation is confirmed when all of the paid elements are confirmed.


No change can be made to a printed itinerary, unless by the Aven Thai in accordance with the provisions herein, once travel has commenced. Unused portions of the itinerary and any extension nights including hotel accommodation, sightseeing tours, air fare or other items included in the tour, are not refundable.


The descriptions of hotels, tours, cars, flights and other services in this website have been compiled based on current information available at the time of creation. However, changes may occur after the date of publication. There may be occasions, when facilities may be withdrawn or reduced by accommodation owners or proprietors of other services. For example, a pool may be closed for cleaning and/or renovation; if there are several restaurants in a hotel, some may close down in low season. Redecoration or construction work may occur even in high season. Such changes are beyond our control. However, when we are advised of any development work, or changes in the information shown in this website, we will make every effort to advise you before departure.


Aven Asia shall not under any circumstances be  liable, in contract, tort or otherwise, for: a. any of the expenses, damages or losses incurred or sustained by you which arise from or as a result of the delay or cancellation of any scheduled flight; b. any of the expenses, damages or losses incurred or sustained by you which arise from or as a result of changes in the travel programs, routes or timetables; c. any of the expenses, damages or losses incurred or sustained by you which arise from or as a result of the missing of the flight due to your failure to comply with airline check-in and boarding procedures, and/or failure to comply with visa and health requirements of the countries they intend to visit

It is expressly declared that all the airlines concerned, their servants, agents, and affiliates are not liable, in contract, tort or otherwise for any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused to the tour participants during the time in transit. The passenger ticket in use by such airlines, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the airlines and the purchaser of these tickets and/or the tour participants, and the tour participants shall be deemed to have full notice of the terms and conditions of such contractors.

It is also expressly declared that the Asia Sen act only as agents for the owners, suppliers, providers or contractors providing the means of transportation or other services during the course of your tour or travel. Any tickets or vouchers or confirmed reservations for such means of transportation or other services are issued or made or provided electronically subject to any and all terms and conditions under which such services are offered or provided (details available upon request), and the issuance and acceptance of such tickets or vouchers or confirmed reservations shall be deemed to be consent by you to the further condition that Aven Asia shall not be or become liable or responsible in any way for any loss, damage, injury, accident, delay, changes in schedule, changes in vehicle or ship or other form of transport, hotel overbooking, or other inconveniences to you, your property or effects howsoever caused by such means of transportation or other services.

All travel times are based on the best information available at the time of confirmation. Due to the nature of international travel changes to schedules and itineraries may be necessary and may also prevent the inclusion of some activities. No refunds can be given for such elimination. We do not accept responsibility for losses or accidental expenses due to changes or delays in airline or hotel overbooking, defaults, weather, strikes, sickness, war, riots, or any other causes not within the power of Asia Sen. All such losses or expenses are the responsibility of the passenger.


Asia Sen have full and absolute discretion to cancel or shorten the duration of any tour in the event of force majeure, hostilities, accident or other circumstances beyond the control of  Asia Sen which render it necessary in the Asia Sen reasonable opinion that such steps be taken. Asia Sen shall be relieved from all liabilities and obligations resulting there from, upon notice to the tour participants and refund of amounts paid for the tour or the unused portions of the tour, as appropriate, and recovered from suppliers. Asia Sen will use its best endeavors to seek full refund for the tour or the unused portions of the tour, as appropriate, but will not be liable for any amounts which suppliers and providers of services refuse to refund, for whatever reason.


We strongly recommended that as time of your booking, you supply yourself with insurance policy in your country to cover cancellation charges, luggage claim, medical expenses, accident and others. For possibilities, see click on Travel Insurance.


All travel documents and vouchers issued by Asia Senand its agents are subject to the terms and conditions of the supplier, to the laws of their countries, and to international conventions between countries. The passenger agrees that Asia Sen, its agents, affiliates, employees, shall not be liable for any damages or losses incurred. All participants expressly wave any and all rights which one may have against Asia Sen its agents, officers, or employees caused by the negligence of such persons in connection with foregoing. Under no circumstance is Asia Sen o be construed as a carrier or common carrier under contract for safe passage of the passenger or for luggage and/or belongings. By enrolling in and tendering payment for any and all services participants agree to accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions on this Website. No other person other than an officer of Asia Sen by document in writing is authorized to waive or alter any condition with the foregoing.